Ahmedabad University At a Glance

Ahmedabad University was founded in 2009 by Ahmedabad Education Society (AES), a non-profit educational foundation located in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad University is envisioned to become a global leader that provides liberal arts education within a research university.
Being located in the centre of a vibrant and entrepreneurial city, our education is contextually rich and globally connected. Our world-class education attracts 3500 students from 22 states of India and seven countries.

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Our Purpose

We are transforming higher education in India. Our graduates bear the capabilities, attitude and values to excel in whatever field they choose to pursue around the world.

We recognise that social challenges and job opportunities are occurring at the intersection of various axes of influence, defined by disciplines (data, materials, biology, and behaviour), nature (air, water, forests, and land), sectors of impact (health, transport, energy, and education) and society (individual and community). Accordingly, Ahmedabad University strives to guide students on how to learn through interdisciplinary academics and real-life experiences that traverse these intersections. Research programmes at the University also embody this integrative philosophy.

We prepare leaders of outstanding character who will contribute significantly to their fields of study and practice. The University promotes independent mindedness and diversity across all dimensions of its activity and helps students to mature into critical thinkers who are analytically equipped, practically oriented, and contextually-aware global citizens.

Ahmedabad’s dynamic learning environment is based on cross-disciplinary linkages between the arts, sciences, and professional disciplines. This forms the bedrock of the intellectual enterprise at the University and our research that builds knowledge which solves society’s challenging problems. Our concern remains social, economic, and ecological development of local, national, and international communities.

Diverse knowledge systems are increasingly being required to solve complex real world challenges and even difficult theoretical questions. We expose our students to various fields of study and tnd help them learn how to integrate these diverse concepts and ideas to find innovative solutions.

An ability to translate ideas and apply concepts and theories is a hallmark of a 21st century education. Our emphasis on project based learning or learning by doing across different disciplines integrates our strong theoretical orientation with practice.

As a research university , our emphasis is on advancing knowledge and translating it to benefits for the larger society. Faculty and student research leads our search for an explanation and solution to issues of concern. Our students learn an ability to ask the right questions as part of research thinking and training.

About Us

Ahmedabad University is a private, non-profit research university that offers students a liberal education focused on interdisciplinary learning and research thinking. Our liberal arts education moulds independent thinkers and compassionate leaders who go on to engage innovatively with the complex challenges of our societies. As a research university, we are committed to the discovery of new ideas, and to the belief that good theory results in good practice. Our academic environment offers students, researchers and faculty the opportunity to participate in a unique learning process, mediated by fieldwork and projects that enable deep creative insight, rigorous analytical experimentation, and fulfilling careers. Ahmedabad University was established in 2009 by the Ahmedabad Education Society to offer a world-class academic experience in one of India’s most vibrant and livable cities. With a centrally located campus and internationally renowned faculty, it offers one of the most stimulating academic environments in the country. As a comprehensive university, Ahmedabad University offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies in areas such as engineering, humanities, management, natural sciences, and social sciences.

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